Instructions: Application for Funding
Consolidated Application and Reporting System data entry instructions for the 2023–24 Application for Funding data collection form.Data Collection Purpose
The Application for Funding declares that the local educational agency (LEA), authorized by the local governing board, is applying for specified categorical aid funds.
Program Information
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC): Each California public school district, kindergarten through grade twelve, with 51 or more English learners (ELs) must form a DELAC or subcommittee of an existing districtwide advisory committee. Parents or guardians of ELs, not employed by the district, must constitute a majority membership (51 percent or more) of the committee (California Education Code [EC] Section 52176[a]). For more information, please see the California Department of Education (CDE) District English Learner Advisory Committee web page.
CDE Form Contact
Education Data Office
Questions regarding program eligibility should be directed to the CDE contact person assigned to the applicable program. Contact information can be found on the CDE Program Contacts web page.
Conditional Display Items
Only funding opportunities the LEA is eligible to receive (based on LEA structure and/or program eligibility lists) will be displayed.
If the LEA is eligible for Title V, Part B Subpart 1 Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Grant, or dually eligible for SRSA and Title V, Part B Subpart 2 Rural and Low Income Schools (RLIS) Grant, and elects to participate in Title II, Part A and/or Title IV, Part A, then the Title II, Part A funds used through the Alternative Fund Use Authority and/or Title IV, Part A funds used through the Alternative Fund Use Authority option(s) will display, accordingly.
Procedures - Local Governing Board Approval
Step | Action | Program Instructions |
1 |
Select this box to certify that the Local Board has approved the LEA’s Application for Funding for the listed fiscal year. |
Required field. |
Procedures - DELAC Review
Step | Action | Program Instructions |
2 |
Select this box to certify that parent input has been received from the District English Learner Committee (if applicable), regarding the spending of Title III funds for the listed fiscal year. |
Select the box, if applicable. |
Procedures - Application for Categorical Programs
Step | Action | Program Instructions |
3 |
Select “Yes” in the appropriate box for each categorical program in which the LEA requests participation. |
Required fields. If “Yes” is not selected, then “No” must be selected. |
Error Messages
Field Name | Error Message | Resolution |
Not Field Name Specific |
Participation selection is missing. Either “Yes” or “No” must be selected. |
Required field. Either “Yes” or “No” must be selected. |
Not Field Name Specific |
Protected Prayer Certification must be certified before this submission. |
Protected Prayer Certification must be certified before, or at the same time as, this data collection form. |