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The California Department of Education (CDE) hosted the monthly Tuesday @ 2 School Nutrition Town Hall webinar on August 22, 2023 for school food service operators, chief business officials, and community partners to provide an opportunity for schools to learn about program requirements for operating their programs and hear about best practices.
Links Shared in Chat During the Town Hall
- The Healthy Meals Incentives (HMI) Recognition Awards categories and criteria, application portal, webinar registration information, and other helpful resources are available on the HMI web page .
- Access the Summer Turnip the Beet nomination form on the California Department of Education (CDE) website.
- For questions or to submit your Summer Turnip the Beet application, please contact the Summer Meals Unit by email at
- Complete the electronic CDE Farm to Summer Celebration Week post-survey by August 31, 2023.
- Information regarding the California Green Ribbon Schools (CA-GRS) Program, including resources, frequently asked questions, and more, visit the CA-GRS web page.
- If you have any questions regarding the award, please email the CA-GRS team at
- School Nutrition Association National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Week theme information web page .
- Learn more about California Crunch Week and available resources on the Community Alliance with Family Farmers website .
- For information on Governor Newsom’s emergency proclamation, please refer to the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom web page .
- For information on emergency resources from federal, state, and local agencies, please refer to the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) website .
- For specific information on CDE Disaster Relief Guidelines, please refer to the CDE Guidance for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) web page.
- For information on disaster assistance and resources in California, please refer to the CDE Disaster Resources web page.
- Access the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) Disaster Templates on the ICN Designing an Emergency Preparedness Templates web page .
- For more information on disaster resources, including the Emergency Response Pocket Guide, visit the ICN website .
- Complete CDE’s online application to apply for the Noncongregate Waiver for Unanticipated School Closure Survey.
- Learn more about U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Excessive Heat and Poor Air Quality Waiver on the CDE web page.
- The Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Extreme Heat Resources web page .
- The Los Angeles Office of Environmental Health and Safety Heat Illness Prevention web page .
- The CDE’s Guidance on Donation of Leftover Food in CNPs Management Bulletin (MB) web page.
- CalRecycle’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy web page .
- CalRecycle’s Resources for Local Education Agencies: K-12 Public Schools and School Districts web page .
- For more information on the CDE Administrative Review (AR) Process, visit the School Nutrition Programs (SNP) AR web page.
- View the CDE list of school food authorities scheduled for SNP AR in School Year (SY) 2023-24 web page.
- The CDE Local Agency Procurement Review Schedule - Procurement in Child Nutrition Programs web page.
- The CDE Child Nutrition Programs Course Catalog - Food Service Staff Education and Training web page.
- A current list of School Nutrition Program SNP Specialists is available on theSNP Specialist Directory web page or email SNP staff at
- To access the SNP Sponsor User Manual, please visit the CDE SNP CNIPS Training web page.
- For CNIPS technical questions, please contact the CNIPS Help Desk by email at
- The CDE Food Service Staff Education and Training web page, Training tab.
- The USDA Professional Standards Training Database web page .
- For specific questions about the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) reach out to the Expanded Learning Division by email at
- Visit the CDE ELOP Frequently Asked Questions web page.
- The California Department of Social Services Child and Adult Day Food Program (CACFP) Program Specialist List web page .
- The CDE CNP Reimbursement Rates web page.
- The CDE SNP and Food Distribution Program (FDP) Reimbursement Rates listserv web page.
- The CDE Carry-over Inventory at USDA Food Processors MB NSD-FDP-05-2011 web page.
- Complete the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Final Report survey by September 15, 2023 at 5 p.m. on the CDE website.
- Grant opportunity information about the USDA Farm to School Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement is available on the website.
- For questions regarding the USDA Farm to School Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement , please contact Jean Bingham, Grants Officer, at
- If you have any questions regarding Local Food for Schools grant, please email them to
- The CDE FFVP Orientation Online Training Series,Course Number 900 web page.
- The CDE Procurement in the CNPs Frequently Asked Questions web page.
- The CDE School Nutrition Program MB web page.
- Questions about budget agreements or allowable costs, please reach out to the Resource Management Unit by email at
- Send your Equipment Assistance Grant questions to the grant staff by email at
- Visit the Chef Ann Foundation Pre-Apprenticeship web page for more information on how to apply for the pre-apprenticeship program. If you have any additional questions, please contact Eriko Greeson by email at
- The California Agriculture in the Classroom Conference 2023 Registration information web page .
- The USDA Crediting Tip Sheets in Child Nutrition Programs are available in Spanish for fruits, meats/meat alternates and milk on the USDA web page.
- The USDA Team Nutrition Today’s Lunch Poster is available for download on the USDA website.
- The ICN Back-to-School Toolbox resources web page .
- The California School Nutrition Department Vacancy and Turnover Rate Survey is now closed.
- Questions regarding the School Nutrition Department Vacancy and Turnover Rate Survey, please contact the evaluation team by email at
- Visit the USDA Farm to School Census web page for more information on the Farm to School Census.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please email
Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
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