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Legislation, Regulations, & Policies

Current and proposed legislation, regulations, and policies for child nutrition programs administration.

Nutrition Programs Guidance

An index of direct links to California Department of Education (CDE) management bulletins, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy memoranda, and federal and state regulations relating to the proper administration of the child nutrition programs.

Child Nutrition Programs

Federal Procurement regulations at Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 External link opens in new window or tab. - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Super-Circular)

60-Day Claim Submission and 90-day Reporting Requirements for Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. - Updated guidance for State agencies regarding the 60-day Claim submission and 90 day Reporting requirements for Child Nutrition Programs released on April 25, 2018.

School Nutrition Programs

Child and Adult Care Food Program

Summer Food Service Program

Food Distribution Program

Federal Register Documents

USDA Food and Nutrition Service Federal Register Documents External link opens in new window or tab.
This USDA Web page contains a listing of all recent rules, proposed rules, and notices published in the Federal Register by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.

Legislative Reports

Assembly Concurrent Resolution 16: Nutrition: Vegetarian School Lunches
The California Department of Education and the California Department of Public Health are submitting this report in response to the 2003 Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 16: Nutrition: Vegetarian School Lunches sponsored by Assemblyman Joe Nation. It presents a summary of the current efforts and progress being made to offer vegetarian and cultural school lunches to students in public schools.

Waiver Request

USDA Waiver Request
This web page contains information about USDA waiver requests and any current waiver requests from the Nutrition Services Division (NSD) or program operators.

Related Links

California Legislative Information External link opens in new window or tab.
Locate the full text of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, as well as their status, history, votes, analyses, and veto messages.

U.S. Government Printing Office External link opens in new window or tab.
Official information from all three branches of the Federal Government. On-line access to congressional bills, laws, U.S. codes and regulations, the federal register, and presidential papers.

Library of Congress External link opens in new window or tab.
Search for federal bills by text, summary, or status and the Congressional Record by text or index; along with historical Congressional documents such as the Constitution.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
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