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Summer Food Management Bulletins

Choose Calendar Year:

2024 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002 | 1998


Note: Bulletins are in descending order by release date.

Calendar Year 2024
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
April 2024 Rural Non-congregate Meal Service for Summer Meal Programs Non-congregate Meal Service Options in Rural Areas in Summer Meal Programs SNP-05-2024; SFSP-06-2024
February 2024 Summer Meal Program Site Proximity Requirements

Summer Meal Site Proximity Requirements

SNP-01-2024; SFSP-05-2024
February 2024 Site Eligibility, Site Types, and Site Definitions

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Site Eligibility, Site Types and Site Definitions

February 2024 VCA Requirements VCA Performance Standards, Budgets, and Management Plans for the SFSP SFSP-03-2024
February 2024 Field Trip Requirements Field Trips in the Summer Food Service Program SFSP-02-2024
February 2024 Meal Service Times Summer Food Service Program Meal Service Times SFSP-01-2024
Calendar Year 2020
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
January 2020 SFSP Financial Management Standards Financial Management Standards for the Summer Food Service Program SFSP-02-2020
Calendar Year 2019
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
September 2019 Sponsor Deadlines Summer Food Service Program Application Deadlines SFSP-03-2019
May 2019 Thresholds Federal Micropurchase and Small Purchase Thresholds CNP-01-2019
May 2019 Excess Funds Transferring Excess Funds between Child Nutrition Programs CNP-04-2019
May 2019 Reporting Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and SFSP Changes to the California Department of Education (CDE)

Reporting Entity Type, Tax ID Number, Name, Address, and Ownership Changes to the CACFP and the SFSP

Calendar Year 2018
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
August 2018 Cooperative Agreements Questions and Answers: Purchasing Goods and Services Using CooperativeAgreements, Agents, and Third-party Services CNP-07-2018
June 2018 Lease or Rental Costs Real Estate Lease or Rental Costs SFSP-02-2018
June 2018 Locally Produced Foods Purchase of Locally Produced Foods CNP-06-2018
June 2018 Market Basket Analysis Market Basket Analysis When Procuring Program Goods and Modifying Contracted-For Product Lists CNP-04-2018
June 2018 Allowable Costs Allowable Costs for Excess/Leftover Meals in the Summer Food Service Program SFSP-01-2018
June 2018 Kin-GAP Discontinuation of Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program for Meal Eligibility CNP-09-2018
May 2018 Perishable Foods Perishable Foods in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-05-2018
February 2018 Donation of Leftover Food Guidance on the Donation of Leftover Food in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-02-2018
February 2018 The Use of Share Tables The Use of Share Tables CNP-03-2018
Calendar Year 2017
Calendar Year 2016
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
August 2016 Disclosure Requirements Disclosure Requirements for the Community Nutrition Programs SFSP-04-2016
January 2016 Indirect Costs Indirect Costs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program SFSP-03-2016
Calendar Year 2015
Calendar Year 2014

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Note: Bulletins dated 2013 and earlier are in descending order by bulletin number.

Calendar Year 2013
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-SFSP-01-2013 Tribal Participation in the CACFP and SFSP January 2013
NSD-CNP-08-2013 Child Nutrition and Information Payment System User Acceptance Agreement - Action Required May 2013
NSD-CNP-02-2013 Reimbursement Claims Resources March 2013
NSD-CNP-01-2013 Change in Management Bulletin Distribution Process - Action Required
Change in Distribution Process for Nutrition Services Division Management Bulletins and USDA Policy Memoranda
January 2013
Calendar Year 2012
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-SFSP-02-2012 Using School Attendance Area to Establish Open SFSP Feeding Sites - Action Required May 2012
USDA-CNP-10-2012 Procurement Geographic Preference Q and As–Part II December 2012
USDA-CNP-02-2012 Rural Development Community Facilities Program October 2012
USDA-CNP-01-2012 Cooperation with USDA Evaluations and Research
Cooperation with U.S. Department of Agriculture Officials and Contractors Conducting Evaluations and Research
October 2012
Calendar Year 2011
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date

Privacy Protection and Social Security Numbers - Action Required
Privacy Protection and the Use of Social Security Numbers

April 2011
Calendar Year 2010
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-05-2010 Extending Categorical Eligibility Q and A
Extending Categorical Eligibility to Additional Children in a Household—Questions and Answers
September 2010
USDA-CNP-04-2010 Final Rule: Fluid Milk Substitutions
Final Rule Regarding Fluid Milk Substitutions in School Nutrition Programs
April 2010

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Calendar Year 2009
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-03-2009 Extending Categorical Eligibility
Extending Categorical Eligibility to Additional Children in a Household
October 2009
USDA-CNP-02-2009 Internal Revenue Service Filing Requirements
Internal Revenue Service Filing Requirements for Private, Nonprofit Organizations
April 2009
Calendar Year 2008
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-SFSP-03-2008 FSMC Contract Extensions in the SFSP
Food Service Management Company Contract Extensions in the Summer Food Service Program
May 2008
USDA-CNP-05-2008 Dollar Threshold for Payment of Underpayments
Dollar Threshold for Payment of Underpayments from Reviews and Audits Performed for School Nutrition Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program
September 2008
USDA-CNP-01-2008 Crediting of Corn Meal and Corn Flour
Information Regarding the Crediting of Corn Meal and Corn Flour for Grains/Breads Component in Food-Based Menu Planning
February 2008
NSD-SFSP-01-2008 Temperature Controls of Potentially Hazardous Foods
The Importance of Maintaining Proper Time and Temperature Controls of Potentially Hazardous Foods
October 2008
Calendar Year 2007
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
NSD-CNP-02-2007 Transfer of Agency Ownership October 2007
Calendar Year 2006
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
06-701 National Flood Insurance Payments
Treatment of National Flood Insurance Payments
January 2006
Calendar Year 2004
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
04-707 Use of Upward Bound Applications
Use of upward bound applications for determining participant eligibility
July 2004

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Calendar Year 2002
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
02-712 Late Payment Charges and Allowable Costs
Late Payment Charges and Allowable Costs to Child Nutrition Accounts
May 2002
02-703 Eligibility for Upward Bound Sites
Questions and answers regarding eligibility for upward bound sites
July 2002
Calendar Year 1998
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
98-717 Commodity Entitlements for Year Round Sponsors
Commodity Entitlements for Year Round Sponsors, APB-SFS-98-22
October 1998

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Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 29, 2024
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