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Criteria and Standards for School District Budgets

This page includes the field entries from the approved STD. Form 400 for the above-mentioned Rulemaking File.

Notice Publication/Regulations Submission

STD. 400 (Rev 10/2019)

OAL File Numbers

  • Regulatory Action Number: 2024-0130-03FP
  • Agency with Rulemaking Authority: State Board of Education

Form Section B. Submission of Regulations

  • Form Field 1a. Subject of Regulation(s): Criteria and Standards for School Budgets and Interim Reports
  • Form Field 2. Specify California Code of Regulations Title(s) and Section(s) (Including title 26, if toxics related)
    • Section(s) Affected:
      • Title(s): 5
      • Amend: 15440, 15441, 15444, 15445, 15448, 15449, 15450, 15451, 15455, 15456, 15457, 15460, 15461, 15464, 15467, 15468, 15469, 15471, 15472, 15473, 15474, 15475, 15483, 15484, 15485, 15486, and 15493
  • Form Field 3. Type of Filing
    • Selected: File & Print
    • Selected: Other: Education Code §33131
  • Form Field 4. All Beginning and Ending Dates of Availability of Modified Regulations and/or Material Added to the Rulemaking File (Cal. Code Regs, Title 1, 44, and Gov. Code §11347.1)
  • Form Field 5. Effective Date of Changes (Gov. Code, §§1343.4, 11346. 1(d); Cal. Code Regs, Title 1, 100)
    • Selected: Effective on filing with Secretary of State
  • Form Field 6. Check if These Regulations Require Notice to or Review, Consultation, Approval, or Concurrence By, Another Agency or Entity:
  • Form Field 7.
    • Contact Person: Lorie Adame
    • Telephone Number: 916-319-0860
    • Fax Number:
    • E-mail Address (optional):
  • Form Field 8. I certify that the attached copy of the regulation(s) is a true and correct copy of the regulation(s) identified on this form, that the information specified on this form is true and correct, and that I am the head of the agency taking this action, or a designee of the head of the agency, and am authorized to make this certification.
    • Signature of Agency Head or Designee: Len Garfinkel, General Counsel signature, Dated 1/29/2024
    • Typed Name and Title of Signatory: Len Garfinkel, General Counsel

This form has been authorized for filing and printing by the Office of Administrative Law on 3/13/2024 (stamped)

This form has been endorsed and filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California on 3/13/2024 (stamped)

Questions:   Regulations Coordinator | | 916-319-0860
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
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