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CALPADS Update Flash #218

Updated guidance on the use of the Generic Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) of 9999999999.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       February 18, 2022

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #218

Updated Guidance on Use of Generic SEID of 9999999999

The guidance provided in Flash 191 (9/23/20) was updated in fall 2020 shortly after its issuance. The updated guidance is as follows:

CALPADS Fall 2 data are provided to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and uploaded into the California State Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS) to monitor whether teachers hold the appropriate credentials/authorizations to teach the courses to which they are assigned. To link teachers and their credentials/authorizations to course sections, the teacher’s unique Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) must be on the record. Therefore, LEAs should provide the unique SEIDs of teachers assigned to course sections, and should limit, to the extent possible, using generic SEIDs (999999999).

To limit the use of generic SEIDs, Input Validation Rule (IVR), Course Section Enrollment/Course Section Completion (CRSE/CRSC) 0545Invalid SEID in Course Section Record, triggers a “warning” on all course sections being taught by teachers with generic SEIDs, except for courses taught by college professors, since generally they do not have SEIDs. Specifically, CRSE/CRSC 0545 will not trigger on the following course sections:

  • Courses with Field 9.19 –Course Instructional Level Codepopulated with Code 23 –College Credit Only, or Code 24 – Dual Credit.
  • College Credit Course codes 9020, 9082, 9096, 9120, 9154, 9200, 9227, 9273, 9303, and 9358.

The CDE understands that it may be difficult for LEAs to obtain SEIDs for contracted teachers from another LEA or outside agency, or teachers employed by another LEA who are not paid by the LEA reporting the CRSE or CRSC record, such as Career Technical Education courses taken at a Regional Occupational Center or Program. If the LEA cannot get the SEIDs for these teachers, they may use the generic SEID; however, CRSE/CRSC 0545 will trigger a warning prompting LEAs to review those records and to provide SEIDs, if possible. LEAs may try to find a teacher’s unique SEID in the California Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) Lookup tool, maintained by the CTC. This tool was recently updated to enable LEAs to search for a teacher’s SEID without using the social security number, and instead using the teacher’s name or one document number (e.g., credential document). Refer to the “CTC SEID Lookup Tool” section below for how to access this tool.

Generic SEIDs in CalSAAS

Course sections with generic SEIDs that are college credit courses or dual credit courses are predetermined in CalSAAS as Local Assignment Option (LAO) 76004. All other course sections with generic SEIDs are predetermined by CalSAAS as “predetermined vacancy” exceptions.

For predetermined vacancy exceptions, LEAs may view vacancy information in the “History” window in CalSAAS, which includes for each course section reported with a generic SEID, the local course code, Class ID, and course section ID. This information is displayed to assist LEA users in pinpointing these “vacant” assignments which provides the opportunity to confirm that an educator was not serving in the assignment, or to provide the SEID of the educator in the assignment so that the assignment can be monitored by the Monitoring Authority (MA).

LEAs may “clear” predetermined vacancy exceptions reported with generic SEIDs by looking up the teacher’s unique SEID in CTC’s SEID Lookup tool and entering it into CalSAAS. This assignment will then be reviewed by the MA, and should the teacher possess the appropriate credentials/authorizations, the MA can clear the vacancy within CalSAAS.

Reporting of Courses Taught by Generic SEIDs

On November 6, 2019, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved updated Teacher Equity definitions for “ineffective” and “out-of-field” teachers to be included in the amended California Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated State Plan. The Teacher Equity definitions can be found on the CDE Updated Teacher Equity Definitions page at Appropriately assigned teachers are reported as “clear.”

Pursuant to the Teacher Equity definitions, the CDE reports the course sections certified in Fall 2 with generic SEIDs as follows:

Certified in CALPADS as… Displays in CalSAAS as… Action Taken in CalSAAS ESSA Reporting Category
College credit/dual credit course sections with generic SEID Predetermined as LAO 76004; this LAO is not editable in CalSAAS No action to take


(All LAOs are categorized as Out-of-Field except for LAO 80005(b)*)
Non-college credit/dual credit course section with generic SEID Predetermined Vacancy Exception LEA looks up SEID; MA reviews assignment and clears assignment as appropriate Clear - unknown**
Non-college credit/dual credit course section with generic SEID Predetermined Vacancy Exception LEA looks up SEID; MA reviews assignment and determines the assignment is not appropriate Out-of-Field or Ineffective
Non-college credit/dual credit course section with generic SEID Predetermined Vacancy Exception LEA does not look up SEID; takes no action Ineffective

* LAO 80005(b) are those courses for which there is no path to a credential/authorization

**These assignments were determined to be appropriately assigned by the Monitoring Authority. The “unknown” designation simply differentiates these clear assignments from assignments identified as clear by CalSAAS.

CTC SEID Lookup Tool

The SEID Lookup can be accessed online using the “Tools” portal of the [Note: The preceding link may not currently be valid. Users may find helpful information on the following web pages on the CTC website: California Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) FAQs at or Information Regarding Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) Lookup for Teacher Residency Reports at] Authorized individuals will be granted access to the ECS and authenticated prior to usage. Within the SEID Lookup on the ECS, authorized users can access educator SEIDs by entering a social security number (SSN), document number, or educator name.

Individuals who are not already authorized to use the tool may email with a request for access. They should provide the following information within the body of the email:

  • Full name;
  • Position Title;
  • Email address associated to your organization; and
  • CDS code associated to the County Office of Education, school district, or charter school you represent.

Please find additional information in the

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 06, 2024
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