To: Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives
From: California Department of Education (CDE) –
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
Date: July 25, 2022
Subject: CALPADS Update FLASH #229
NOTE: This Flash replaces CALPADS Flash #184 (located here: which was issued prior to the implementation of the Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file. This Flash is updated to reflect the current implementation of WBLR, including an update made in 2021−22, and a planned update for 2022−23:
- Work-Based Learning Type Code 20 – Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning renamed to “Simulative Work- Based Learning.”
- Beginning in 2022−23, LEAs will be required to tie WBLR Type Code 10 – Internship to a state course code.
Work-Based Learning Data
Work-based learning data that will provide additional opportunities for students to demonstrate their preparedness for college/career through the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard are collected in the Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file as part of the CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission.
Work-Based Learning Types
There are eleven work-based learning programs/activities that LEAs should track and report to CALPADS on the WBLR file. The eleven activities are submitted as Work-Based Learning Type codes and are described in Table 1 below (and are included in CALPADS Code Sets v13.2).
For WBLR program codes 10 through 20, LEAs should report what the student completed (for example, number of hours) in the reporting academic year (for example, if a student participates in an internship that spans more than one academic year, report the number of hours completed in the reporting year). For Work-based Learning (WBL) program codes 25 through 65, LEAs should report the WBL program/activity only in the year that the program or activity was completed.
For further details and definitions of these work-based learning program/activities, please refer to the CDE Work-Based Learning Measures for the CCI web page at
Table 1
Work-Based Learning Type Codes
Code | Name | Comment |
10 | Internship |
15 | Student-Led Enterprise | Student-Led Enterprises must be associated with a course that includes specified content (see definition of Code 15 -Student-Led Enterprise). |
20 | Simulated Work-Based Learning | Simulated Work-Based Learning must be associated with a course that includes specified content (see definition of Code 20 -Simulated Work-Based Learning). |
25 | Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program |
A "registered" pre-apprenticeship program is recognized by business and/industry and is connected to a registered apprenticeship and can be registered with the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards, and/or the U.S. Department of Labor. Essential components of registered pre-apprenticeship include coursework directly related to a trade/occupation, relevant job-learning activities, and a certificate of completion. |
30 | Non-registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program |
A "non-registered" pre-apprenticeship program is recognized by business but is not registered at the state or national level. These apprenticeships provide employer-designed coursework directly related to a trade/occupation, and job-learning activities that prepare students for an existing apprenticeship program. |
35 | Job Corps | Note: Prior to 2020−21, this was collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the Student Enrollment (SENR) file. |
40 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) | Note: Prior to 2020−21, this was collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR. |
45 | YouthBuild | Note: Prior to 2020−21, this was collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR. |
50 | California Conservation Corps | Note: Prior to 2020−21, this was collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR. |
60 | Transition Work-Based Experience |
65 | Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration |
Note: Flash 184 included Code 55 – Regional Occupational Center/Program in the table. This code, however, was never implemented, and so is not displayed here.
Work-Based Learning File
Table 2 includes all the fields on the WBLR file, representing the data that LEAs are required to maintain and submit to CALPADS for the 11 work-based learning programs/activities. LEAs should refer to the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Version 13.2 for all the fields included on the WBLR file (the standard fields included on all CALPADS files are not displayed in Table 2).
Table 2
Work-Based Learning File Fields
Field Number | Field Name | Required for Work-Based Learning Type… | Comment |
21.09 | Work-Based Learning Type Code | n/a | There are 11 work-based learning type codes. Of the 11, two are currently collected on the Special Education (SPED) file, and nine are currently collected as indicators on the SENR. |
21.10 | Internship ID | 10 – Internship | Required only for Internship (10) and allows for more than one internship to be submitted in an academic year. |
21.11 | Work-Based Learning Hours - External | 10 – Internship 15 – Student-led Enterprise 20 – Simulated Work-based Learning |
A count of hours that the student spent outside the school in the work-based learning activity. LEAs should report what the student completed in the reporting academic year. For example, if a student participates in an internship that spans two academic years, report the number of hours completed in the reporting year, in each year of the internship. |
21.12 | State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning | 15 – Student-led Enterprise 20 –Simulated Work-based Learning |
Student-led Enterprise (15), and Simulated Work-Based Learning (20) must be associated with a course (any course) that includes the required content. See definition of each code for required course content. Note: Beginning in 2022−23, LEAs will be required to associate an internship with a course, and Work-Based Learning Type Code 10 – Internship will be added to WBLR0564 – Missing State Course Code – Embedded Work-Based Learning, and will trigger upon input. |
21.13 | Internship - Employer Performance Evaluation Code | 10 – Internship | See Code Set: Internship Employer Performance Evaluation. Students should receive and LEAs should report an evaluation for a student for each reporting academic year. Therefore, when field 21.09 – Work-based Learning Type Code is populated with WLBR Type Code 10 – Internship, this field must be populated or WBLR0566 – Missing Internship – Employer Performance Evaluation Code, will trigger upon input. |
21.14 | Internship - LEA Sponsored Indicator | 10 – Internship | Y/N Indicator: The internship was sponsored by the county, district, or school. When field 21.09 – Work-based Learning Type Code is populated with WLBR Type Code 10 – Internship, this field must be populated or WBLR0568 – Missing Internship – LEA Sponsored Indicator, will trigger upon input. |
21.15 | Internship - Certificated Supervisor Indicator | 10 – Internship | Y/N Indicator: The internship was supervised by a certificated staff. When field 21.09 – Work-based Learning Type Code is populated with WLBR Type Code 10 – Internship, this field must be populated or WBLR0570 – Missing Internship – Certificated Supervisor Indicator, will trigger upon input. |
Best Practices for Collecting and Maintaining WBLR data
LEAs should annually review the data requirements and review business processes to collect and maintain the data that is submitted from the student information system (SIS) to CALPADS on the WBLR. Specifically, LEAs should consider:
- Reviewing current business processes for creating, administering, supervising, and evaluating internships, and adjust as necessary to capture the required data (data related to number of hours, employer performance evaluation, sponsorship, and supervision).
- Assessing that the performance evaluation conducted by employers to capture the performance levels included in the Internship Employer Performance Evaluation code set are standardized.
- Reviewing processes to collect the number of hours that students spend outside the school at the internship, working on a student-led enterprise, or engaging in simulated work-based learning.
- Annually reviewing or creating courses that include the content required for Student-led Enterprises, Simulated Work-Based Learning, and Internships.
For students with disabilities (SWD):
- Annually reviewing the criteria for determining when students with disabilities have met the definition for completing Transition Work-Based Experience and Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration.
- Annually reviewing work-based experience activities and coursework to determine whether students have met the established criteria for completing Transition Work-Based Experience Transition or Classroom-Based Work Exploration.
- Ensuring the SWD work-based learning codes are populated in the SIS.
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210