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Instructions: Title I, Part D Students Served

Consolidated Application data entry instructions for the 2021–22 Title I, Part D Subpart 2 Students Served data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

To report demographic data, by program, of students served with Title I, Part D Subpart 2 funds. This data collection form will only be available for local educational agencies (LEAs) that participated in Title I, Part D Subpart 2 and received an LEA allocation.

The Title I, Part D Subpart 2 Facilities Report data collection form must be completed first.

California Department of Education Program Staff Contact

Sherry Davis
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Procedures – At-Risk Programs Students Served

Students served in At-Risk Programs – This program section will not display if At-Risk programs facilities count is zero or, is greater than zero with no facilities reporting student data.

Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Male students served. Required field.
Report the number of Female students served.

Required field.

3 Report the number of Non-binary students served. Required field.
Displayed Data – At-Risk Programs Unduplicated Students

Total unduplicated students served: The sum of male, female, and non-binary students served.

Procedures – At-Risk Programs Student Counts by Age
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of 3 through 5 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 6 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 7 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 8 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 9 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 10 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

10 Report the number of 11 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
11 Report the number of 12 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
12 Report the number of 13 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
13 Report the number of 14 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
14 Report the number of 15 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
15 Report the number of 16 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
16 Report the number of 17 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
17 Report the number of 18 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
18 Report the number of 19 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
19 Report the number of 20 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
20 Report the number of 21 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – At-Risk Programs Total Student Count by Age

Total student counts by age: The sum of all age levels served.

Procedures – At-Risk Programs Student Counts by Racial/Ethnic Group
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Hispanic or Latino, of any race, students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of American Indian or Alaskan Native students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of Asian students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Black or African American students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of White students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

27 Report the number of Two or More Races students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – At-Risk Programs Total Student Counts by Racial/Ethnic Group

Total student counts by racial/ethnic group: The sum of all racial/ethnic groups served.

Procedures – At-Risk Programs Other Student Counts
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of English Learner students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of Students with Disabilities served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Procedures – Neglected Programs Students Served

Students served in Neglected Programs – This program section will not display if Neglected Programs facilities count is zero or, is greater than zero with no facilities reporting student data.

Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Male students served. Required field.
Report the number of Female students served.

Required field.

32 Report the number of Non-binary students served. Required field.
Displayed Data – Neglected Programs Unduplicated Students

Total unduplicated students served: The sum of male, female, and non-binary students served.

Procedures – Neglected Programs Student Counts by Age
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of 3 through 5 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 6 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 7 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 8 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 9 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 10 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

39 Report the number of 11 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
40 Report the number of 12 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
41 Report the number of 13 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
42 Report the number of 14 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
43 Report the number of 15 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
44 Report the number of 16 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
45 Report the number of 17 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
46 Report the number of 18 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
47 Report the number of 19 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
48 Report the number of 20 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
49 Report the number of 21 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Neglected Programs Total Student Count by Age

Total student counts by age: The sum of all age levels served.

Procedures – Neglected Programs Student Counts by Racial/Ethnic Group
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Hispanic or Latino, of any race, students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of American Indian or Alaskan Native students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of Asian students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Black or African American students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of White students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

56 Report the number of Two or More Races students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Neglected Programs Total Student Count by Racial/Ethnic Group

Total student counts by racial/ethnic group: The sum of all racial/ethnic groups served.

Procedures – Neglected Programs Other Student Counts
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of English Learner students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of Students with Disabilities served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Procedures – Juvenile Detention Programs Students Served

Students served in Juvenile Detention Programs – This program section will not display if Juvenile Detention programs facilities count is zero or, is greater than zero with no facilities reporting student data.

Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Male students served. Required field.
Report the number of Female students served.

Required field.

61 Report the number of Non-binary students served. Required field.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Detention Programs Unduplicated Students

Total unduplicated students served: The sum of male, female, and non-binary students served.

Procedures – Juvenile Detention Programs Student Counts by Age
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of 3 through 5 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 6 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 7 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 8 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 9 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 10 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

68 Report the number of 11 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
69 Report the number of 12 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
70 Report the number of 13 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
71 Report the number of 14 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
72 Report the number of 15 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
73 Report the number of 16 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
74 Report the number of 17 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
75 Report the number of 18 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
76 Report the number of 19 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
77 Report the number of 20 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
78 Report the number of 21 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Detention Programs Total Student Count by Age

Total student counts by age: The sum of all age levels served.

Procedures – Juvenile Detention Programs Student Counts by Racial/Ethnic Group
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Hispanic or Latino, of any race, students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of American Indian or Alaskan Native students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of Asian students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Black or African American students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of White students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

85 Report the number of Two or More Races students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Detention Programs Total Student Count by Racial/Ethnic Group

Total student counts by racial/ethnic group: The sum of all racial/ethnic groups served.

Procedures – Juvenile Detention Programs Other Student Counts
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of English Learner students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of Students with Disabilities served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Procedures – Juvenile Correction Programs Students Served

Students served in Juvenile Correction Programs – This program section will not display if Juvenile Correction programs facilities count is zero or, is greater than zero with no facilities reporting student data.

Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Male students served. Required field.
Report the number of Female students served.

Required field.

90 Report the number of Non-binary students served. Required field.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Correction Programs Unduplicated Students

Total unduplicated students served: The sum of male, female, and non-binary students served.

Procedures – Juvenile Correction Programs Student Counts by Age
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of 3 through 5 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 6 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 7 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 8 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of 9 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Report the number of 10 year old students served.

Enter applicable number of students.

97 Report the number of 11 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
98 Report the number of 12 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
99 Report the number of 13 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
100 Report the number of 14 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
101 Report the number of 15 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
102 Report the number of 16 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
103 Report the number of 17 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
104 Report the number of 18 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
105 Report the number of 19 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
106 Report the number of 20 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
107 Report the number of 21 year old students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Correction Programs Total Student Count by Age

Total student counts by age: The sum of all age levels served.

Procedures – Juvenile Correction Programs Student Counts by Racial/Ethnic Group
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of Hispanic or Latino, of any race, students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of American Indian or Alaskan Native students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of Asian students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Black or African American students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Report the number of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

Report the number of White students served.

Enter the applicable number of students.

114 Report the number of Two or More Races students served. Enter the applicable number of students.
Displayed Data – Juvenile Correction Programs Total Student Count by Racial/Ethnic Group

Total student counts by racial/ethnic group: The sum of all racial/ethnic groups served.

Procedures – Juvenile Correction Programs Other Student Counts
Step Action Program Instructions
Report the number of English Learner students served. Enter applicable number of students.
Report the number of Students with Disabilities served.

Enter applicable number of students.

Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
Neglected Programs Students With Disabilities Count The students with disabilities count cannot be greater than the total Neglected programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Neglected Programs Male Student Count LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, male student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, a male student count of zero or greater is required.
Neglected Programs English Learner Student Count The English learner student count cannot be greater than the total Neglected programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Neglected Programs Female Student Count LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, female student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, a female student count of zero or greater is required.
Neglected Programs Non-binary Student Count LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, non-binary student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Neglected programs facilities, a non-binary student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Detention Programs Students With Disabilities Count The students with disabilities count cannot be greater than the total Juvenile Detention programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Juvenile Detention Programs Male Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, male student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, a male student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Detention Programs English Learner Student Count The English learner student count cannot be greater than the total Juvenile Detention programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Juvenile Detention Programs Female Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, female student count is required. If LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, a female student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Detention Programs Non-binary Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, non-binary student count is required. If LEA has one or more Juvenile Detention programs facilities, a non-binary student count of zero or greater is required.
At-Risk Programs Students With Disabilities Count The students with disabilities count cannot be greater than the total At-Risk programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
At-Risk Programs English Learner Student Count The English learner student count cannot be greater than the total At-Risk programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
At-Risk Programs Male Student Count LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, male student count is required. If the LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, a male student count of zero or greater is required.
At-Risk Programs Female Student Count LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, female student count is required. If the LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, a female student count of zero or greater is required.
At-Risk Programs Non-binary Student Count LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, non-binary student count is required. If the LEA has one or more At-Risk programs facilities, a non-binary student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Correction Programs Students With Disabilities Count The students with disabilities count cannot be greater than the total Juvenile Correction programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Juvenile Correction Programs English Learner Student Count The English learner student count cannot be greater than the total Juvenile Correction programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Juvenile Correction Programs Male Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, male student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, a male student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Correction Programs Female Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, female student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, a female student count of zero or greater is required.
Juvenile Correction Programs Non-binary Student Count LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, non-binary student count is required. If the LEA has one or more Juvenile Correction programs facilities, a non-binary student count of zero or greater is required.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all At-Risk programs age levels must equal the At-Risk programs total student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Neglected programs age levels must equal the Neglected programs total student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Juvenile Detention programs age levels must equal the Juvenile Detention programs total student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Juvenile Correction programs age levels must equal the Juvenile Correction programs total student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all At-Risk programs racial/ethnic student counts must equal the total At-Risk programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Neglected programs racial/ethnic student counts must equal the total Neglected programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Juvenile Detention programs racial/ethnic student counts must equal the total Juvenile Detention programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.
Not Field Name Specific The sum of all Juvenile Correction programs racial/ethnic student counts must equal the total Juvenile Correction programs student count. Ensure that the data entered is correct.

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Last Reviewed: Monday, August 5, 2024
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