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Request for Applications

Title III Immigrant Student Program, Fiscal Year 2023-24

Projected Funding Profile: No due date information is available.

Each local educational agency (LEA) receiving funds under 20 United States Code Section 6825(e)(1) shall use funds to pay for activities that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.

Program Questions: Geoffrey Ndirangu, Education Programs Consultant, Language Policy and Leadership Office, email:, phone: 916-323-5831

Downloading Questions: Annie Abreu Park, Staff Services Analyst, Division Support Office, email:, phone: 916-319-9620

General Information

Document Description
Schedule of the Preliminary Allocations and Eligibility, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023–24
Preliminary eligibility allocations for Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant.
Eligibility Requirements, FY 2023–24
Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant eligibility criteria.
Funding Apportionment Payments Title III English Learner and Immigrant Student Programs schedule of apportionments.
Cash Management Data Collection (CMDC) System LEAs report quarterly cash balance data through the CMDC website in order to receive apportionments.

Direct Funded

Document Description
Direct-funded Application for New and Expanding Charter Schools, FY 2023–24
Email notification to new and expanding charter schools of preliminary identification as direct-funded eligibility.
Funding Application Instructions and Guidance
Instructions for completing the Consolidated Application (ConApp) 2023–24 Spring Release for Funding Categorical Aid Programs.
Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) A web-based system to apply for funding, collect and report ConApp data, and track categorical program expenditures and activities.
Consolidated Application Legal Assurances All legal assurances are located on this page. LEAs must accept and certify Title III General and Program Assurances as a condition of receiving funding.

Private Schools

Document Description
Private Schools Consultation and Participation
Title III Immigrant private school equitable services information is found on the Equitable Services Ombudsman web page.
Private School Eligibility List, FY 2023–24
LEAs with private schools that are eligible to request to participate in the FY 2023–24 Title III Immigrant Students Program.
Immigrant Student Program Participation Letter Requesting LEAs to Participate, FY 2023–24 Letter to LEAs with one or more private school; notice to accept or decline participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program.
Student Nation Origin Report (SNOR) Submission - Private School Directors Letter to Select Private School Directors providing instructions for the submission of the SNOR.
Private School Participation Letter Letter to eligible private schools to request participation in the Title III Immigrant Student Program.

More about Title III Immigrant Student Program, Fiscal Year 2023-24

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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